Thursday, September 13, 2012


I convinced my boyfriend that I was too sick this morning to go to campus. The nice thing was, it didn't even take that much talking. I'm pretty sure I only had to say about 4 words all morning: 'no', 'no', 'I don't feel good', & 'yes'. It actually went a lot easier than I had planned in my head. That's never a bad thing.

I ended up eating a little last night, around 10:00 PM by the insistence of my boyfriend. It wasn't a lot, and when he asked why I didn't eat a lot, I told him it was because it was late and I didn't want anything other than water. He bought that too. Basically, I think he thinks I'm on a diet, and I just kind of brushed it off, saying that I was eating healthier. Actually, yesterday morning we walked into McDonalds because he wanted food, and I didn't get a single thing. He's like, "Oh, you know, you have that diet thing right?" And I felt myself get realllly mad about it. I told him, "No! i just don't want food." I felt my face turn red, because he did that right in front of another guy. How can he do that?! But oh well. At least he's starting to buy it, whatever "it" is.

Since I got to stay home today, I slept until noon. There is half of my day gone. I actually haven't even drank any water, but I'm going to need to so I can get the last of the nasties out that I can so I can weigh in again tonight. I think last night would have been another goal weight reached if I hadn't eaten my kale, so here's to hoping that tonight will be the night!

Well-being update:
I've lost ten pounds since school started at the end of August. That is a good thing. I'm fairly pleased since even though I knew I had to do this (again... stupid me), I took a week or so to wane off of things I knew i could do without. I couldn't find my old blog, so I started a new blog for a new endeavor. I'm okay with that, but I'm sad I lost my old one. :-(

So far, I don't feel physically "off" or anything. My emotions are definitely a lot higher than they were two weeks ago, if you know what I mean. I've had so much coffee that I end up not knowing what to do with myself  at night. I watched the Food Channel last night. Luckily, Restaurant: Impossible was on. I think I can start using that as a deterrent for going out to eat, for sure!

My current pair of pants is starting to get a little baggy on me. It's okay, but it kind of bothers me that they're baggy already. They're gonna start looking like men's pants soon if I can't get another pair. Crap.

Side Note:
My blog got cited as a "potential spam blog" last night. I didn't think I had excessive tags or anything like the manual said. I got realllly scared they were going to take it down without me knowing, so I copied and pasted everything I had. I can't lose another blog! Well, at least the old blog was me forgetting the password and email, but oh well. Either way, I think my thought (haha) is that they can't scare me like that! I almost had a heart attack!

I tried drinking a crap ton of water really quickly after my shower last night. It really does work! My stomach started getting upset, I think because it hadn't had that much "stuff" in it in a while. Either way, I think it worked.

I do believe that I'm going to go drink some water and take a shower. There's another 45 minutes that will get me to 1:00 PM. Then I only have to go about 4 or 5 hours until Austin comes home, and then another 2.5 when he goes to the trainer. That'll take me to about 8:00 PM tonight! Yay!

I'll probably be back later today. I can't seem to stay from it now!


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