I took an engineering exam this morning; not too sure how I feel about that one, but oh well. I got a two day extension on it because I "wasn't feeling well". In reality, I just didn't feel like studying. I don't feel like doing much these days. Especially this week. By some twist of nature I got my period this week. I'll tell ya, I haven't felt so awful in years. I definitely do not miss this. My supervisor bought me a little chocolate bar and dontchya know it? I ate the thing. I could care less. Obviously I'm probably not eating anything else today, but who cares? I get chocolate! By the way, chocolate and water don't taste very good with each other. Haha. :-)
I really just want this week to be over. It's like that most weeks, but this one especially. I'm just so physically exhausted. I stopped going to my math class. I have an exam on Friday. Definitely not feelin' it. I don't know how I expect to get a Chemical Engineering degree with all of this shit. I just don't have the energy to keep up with it. If this keeps up, I have no doubt that I won't be able to finish it. I'm halfway done, and I just need a push of encouragement. Encouragement is good, because I can't give myself any. I just can't. I try, and I just get this voice in the back of my head telling me I can't. It's bad.... to the point where I'm really starting to believe it.
I feel like Vincent van Gogh.
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